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Rebecca has helped me get out of my own way. I was stuck on where I wanted to go, who I wanted to be and how to figure out my path. Through many ups and downs Rebecca encouraged and supported me to find my answers. I am so glad I invested this time and money in Rebecca and myself.

Kathy Bergren

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I met Becca in a Mastermind last year. We did some peer coaching and I didn’t want to stop (so we didn’t)! I love being coached by Becca, she is intuitive, and holds space with so much love and safety. Every time I’ve coached with Becca she has allowed me to explore and uncover new and profound realisations. She offers beautiful insights that I take away to reflect on and deepen the coaching experience. I highly recommend Becca, she is a coach of integrity whose gentle approach offers deep transformation.

Nicky Hammond, Master Certified Life Coach

Image by Alfred Schrock

My favorite thing about working together was having a sense of support. It also helped me organize my thoughts knowing that we would be discussing them. I really enjoyed the fact that you could see what I couldn’t see and your gentle way of helping me face reality. 
My biggest takeaway is to trust my instincts and to stick up for myself like my life depends on it!
I am most proud of myself for standing in truth and developing my voice.
Our time together has strengthened me and enabled me to “call the kettle black”.
I also have really savored the recommended books.
My biggest transformation has been developing a backbone.


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Rebecca has a no BS approach. She calls me out when I need it.
My biggest obstacles to was achieving whatever I want were my belief in 
myself and my negative self-talk. After our work together, 
I've been stepping into the unknown, and realizing fear is normal and ok to feel.
I now know my possibilities are limitless and I am living my life in freedom and not fear.

Ken, Catalyst Clarity Coach

Image by Andra C Taylor Jr

Rebecca is super easy to talk to. I felt safe right away. I didn’t feel shame and so I could get to the areas keeping me stuck quicker. 
I'm proud of myself for doing the work. It’s humbling, scary, but totally worth the money and the time. 
Connecting my head to my heart was life changing. I use that daily with my clients now and it’s changing their lives as well


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My favorite thing about our time together was knowing I could tell you (sometimes venting) whatever popped into my mind, and regardless of how silly I thought it might sound, I would hear no judgement from the other end of the phone. Just calm compassion and possible suggestions on another way to consider my thinking process. And laughter. I remember we laughed a lot!

Barb, Real Estate Maven

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Rebecca has been instrumental in stepping back into my creativity (namely writing) and in working with my emotions in a whole new way. The emotional acceptance sessions have really blown my mind.
I've always been a believer of the mind body connection, and emotions stored in the tissues, but now that I've experienced the processing and release of some of my old ones, my understanding is at a whole new level.
Rebecca holds such safe space for deep, life-changing work to be done. She is warm and professional. I'd recommend this completely unique experience to anyone desiring release from old patterns.

Tiffany Skidmore

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Rebecca helped me to find the motivation I needed to take the next step in opening my non-profit foundation for business! Thank you, Rebecca!

Cynthia Schaffer Campbell

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Rebecca is a gifted intuitive. I am so grateful for the powerful reading I received from her. It was so clear, made so much sense, answered so many questions. It was easy to connect with her, trust her and open up. Anyone that has the opportunity to work with her will be amazed by her abilities and spirit. I can't wait to work with her again.

Andrea Matteson


I had no idea what EA was when I booked my session with Rebecca, but I knew instinctively it was what I needed. I have absolutely loved my sessions and I will continue to work with Rebecca in the future. EA is an amazing, powerful process. I have been able to shift some really intense stories I have been telling myself for years. Ultimately I have up levelled and I know it's only the beginning!

Erin Kemp

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